Steven R Lopez, MBA, CCHt, RMT, MHC
Phone: 602-642-9134 email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Steve Lopez is an Arizona Native, with Indigenous roots in Central and Northern Mexico. Growing up in northern Arizona he was influenced by his parents and their service in both the military and medical professions. His life experiences were much like the ups and downs of his youth, from the top of Mammoth Mountain, the San Francisco Peaks to the bottom of the Grand Canyon, the arid Death Valley, and the Sonoran Desert. In those indestructible years of youth, he experienced “minor” injuries that in their own way grew and invaded various areas of his body as he matured. There were bumps and bruises along the way and his contacts with mother earth were more physical than spiritual. The strains and sprains from it all began to come alive in his body. This was the catalyst for his desire to manage paralyzing aches, excruciating pains, and immobilizing discomfort without the dependence on prescription medications. His mission today is to awaken the imagination, integrate with energy and discover the spirit within to strengthen transpersonal healing for a self-managed, pain-less, stress-less future.
Steve offers an innovatively intuitive blend of complementary alternative healthcare methodologies falling under the emerging neuroscience based field of NeuroSensory therapeutic techniques. His journey into Transpersonal Wellness through Mind, Body, Spirit, and Brain Science employing Complementary Alternative Modalities (CAM) includes personal investigation/research, experience, education, and/or practice in acupressure, massage, Transpersonal Life Coaching, EFT, energy modalities, guided imagery, hypnosis/hypnotherapy, meditation, Reiki, talk therapy including, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), and significant to his practice described here, the emerging methods identified as the Havening Techniques®
He strives to “Awaken the Healer Within” and believes that “A Healer is not someone that you go to for healing. A Healer is someone that triggers within you your own ability to heal” – Unknown
Steve has been studying pain, its management, associated ailments, and ways to live painlessly with minimal medication for the past 10 years. His practice is Awaking Healing in Glendale, Arizona. He works with clients presenting a wide range of issues from pain management, and phobias, to stress management and anxiety. A graduate of the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts he is a volunteer in the Guided Imagery Project at a major medical center in Phoenix. He provides Guided Imagery, EFT, and Reiki to all patients, rehab, cardio, pre-op, dialysis, emergency, and all staff in all areas of the hospital. The project he initiated and implemented at the medical center was published in a magazine and several newsletters.
Virtual appointments via Zoom or in-person by special arrangements.